Thanksgiving was awesome, busy, and everywhich direction. We were able to see all four sides of the extended family, introducing Danielle to them all.
We left Wednesday morning at 5 am with Wilmar, MN our final destination to spend the night with my aunt and uncle and their family. Along the way we stopped at Como Zoo for a Michaela break and stretch. After the Twin Cities but before Wilmar we stopped in Paynesville to visit Dan and Renee and see their new house.
We then drove to Brookings, SD on Thursday, having Thanksgiving/Christmas with the
Gackstetter family. I always look forward to this get together, as it often the only time we see this side of the family all year.

On Friday we headed back to Motley, MN for Thanksgiving/Christmas with the Gold family. Saturday the Swecker family came over in the morning for rolls and a few games of cards. Later that afternoon we headed to Wadena, MN where we stayed until Sunday for a Kallevig family get together to celebrate Great Grandma Eleanor's 90th birthday.
While we were getting ready to leave, John/Linda suggested leaving Michaela with the Grandparents for the week. Christine and I were extremely surprised, as this was the first offer which we thought to be legit and realistic. Most times we got the "leave her here for a month" comment. Anyways, long story short Michaela is in Minnesota for the week. We miss her greatly, but know that the Grandparents and Michaela enjoy the time together as well.
1300 miles later we are back home in Madison and were asleep before 11 Sunday night.