All right everyone, take a deep breath and get ready for 'Catch up on the Gold's happenings' It has been forever since my last post, so here you get all in one blog...yeah for you!
A couple weeks back we took the girls golfing for the first time. The local golf course has a family night and allows us to take the girls out on the course on a golf cart. Needless to say the girls had fun though they were tired and had a few extra mosquito bites by the end. Since then we also took them golfing when Matt, Diane and Austin came to visit friends and we got to take the girls' golfing with them. This time, I think the novelty wore off and there were a few more screeches and "mine, mine"s but it was nice they could be with us.

We also splurged this last month and bought new 'used' bikes, they are more of a road bike style...we love them, and have been out numerous times already. Michaela also got a new bike with training wheels, she is afraid to have the wheels wobbly so she still has it like a trike, but she was very proud of her 'big girl' bike.

We went home to visit and go golfing with family, which was great as Gramma watched the girls so we could be out late, golfing and having fun! Thanks Gramma! When we were home we had a birthday get-together for Danielle and had DQ Icecream favorite! courtesy of Grandma Betty.

Here are a few pics of the time spent with my family and some pics of Katelyn and Josiah for all of you who haven't seen them in awhile.

Danielle turned 2 on the 22nd this month and we got to celebrate with Chris and Chandler when they visited us. Strawberry Cake...mmmm! We also had a party in honor of Danielle with co-workers and friends from town where we rented a inflateable for the girls to play in. They absolutely LOVED it as well as their 'friends'.

Here are a few pics from the Steven's Point mega park we went to when Chris and Chan visited the campus:

Two weekends ago we took out the pop-up camper and went camping for the first time. We went to Dexter Campground just 20 minutes south of Marshfield and Michaela struggled with going to sleep. She wanted to go home and said she could only go to sleep in her bed. After 1 1/2 hours of trying to go to sleep, she finally did and now wants to go camping again! Go figure :)
I also had to add this picture too. I never have my camera when the girls hug and I happen to have it with me this time, but in my rush to take the picture it didn't focus and just like that the hug was time for a second shot. But here is the evidence, the girls to like eachother sometimes!

Lastly, just a couple pictures of our girls being...well, girls!
A couple weeks back we took the girls golfing for the first time. The local golf course has a family night and allows us to take the girls out on the course on a golf cart. Needless to say the girls had fun though they were tired and had a few extra mosquito bites by the end. Since then we also took them golfing when Matt, Diane and Austin came to visit friends and we got to take the girls' golfing with them. This time, I think the novelty wore off and there were a few more screeches and "mine, mine"s but it was nice they could be with us.

We also splurged this last month and bought new 'used' bikes, they are more of a road bike style...we love them, and have been out numerous times already. Michaela also got a new bike with training wheels, she is afraid to have the wheels wobbly so she still has it like a trike, but she was very proud of her 'big girl' bike.

We went home to visit and go golfing with family, which was great as Gramma watched the girls so we could be out late, golfing and having fun! Thanks Gramma! When we were home we had a birthday get-together for Danielle and had DQ Icecream favorite! courtesy of Grandma Betty.

Here are a few pics of the time spent with my family and some pics of Katelyn and Josiah for all of you who haven't seen them in awhile.

Danielle turned 2 on the 22nd this month and we got to celebrate with Chris and Chandler when they visited us. Strawberry Cake...mmmm! We also had a party in honor of Danielle with co-workers and friends from town where we rented a inflateable for the girls to play in. They absolutely LOVED it as well as their 'friends'.

Here are a few pics from the Steven's Point mega park we went to when Chris and Chan visited the campus:

Two weekends ago we took out the pop-up camper and went camping for the first time. We went to Dexter Campground just 20 minutes south of Marshfield and Michaela struggled with going to sleep. She wanted to go home and said she could only go to sleep in her bed. After 1 1/2 hours of trying to go to sleep, she finally did and now wants to go camping again! Go figure :)
I also had to add this picture too. I never have my camera when the girls hug and I happen to have it with me this time, but in my rush to take the picture it didn't focus and just like that the hug was time for a second shot. But here is the evidence, the girls to like eachother sometimes!

Lastly, just a couple pictures of our girls being...well, girls!