With the return of warmer weather we've been including more frequent walks, trips to the zoo, and bike rides into our daily life. Michaela is now riding a tag-a-long, which stresses Christine out when she watches. Last weekend we rode up to buy flowers for Mother's Day and rode to the zoo.
We cut the yard for the first time this year, needing to pick up all the sticks and disposing of them at the composting site from winter. A new spark plug and sharpening of the blades and the landmower worked wondefully.

What would a Malcolm Post be without birds? The past two weeks I offered a bird walk through the campus arboretum. I found 40+ species this last week and less than 30 two weeks ago in snow flurries. Unfortunately no one attended.
Today I woke up early and went for a walk, finding over 50 species of birds across the road next to the city's drainage ditch. It was the most warblers (both in variety and numbers) I've seen since moving to Marshfield. I came back home and sent Christine over with a camera to take some more pictures. Below are some from this morning.