Whitewater State Park also has an amazing program this year and is offering classes everyday the whole summer on educational topics and we have went to quite a few of them this summer already. Everyone of us (even the girls) have had a blast at all of them...well I didn't particularly enjoy one of them (only one guess as to which one!) but otherwise it has been an awesome program for us and we totally appreciate having such and active and public friendly state park only 20 minutes away.
So far we have went to the bird banding clinic last year, I think we did a blog of that if you care to see pictures and then this year we also went to an owl program. This was done at 8pm so it was a late night and unfortunately we didn't take any pictures as it was at night. I later regreted that we did not take the camera as it was one of the most beautiful nights I have ever seen. The low-lying river valley was thick with fog and lightning bugs as we walked and called to the owls. It was such a memorable experience for me.
A couple weeks ago we went camping and got to attend two programs, one on rocks where the girls got to paint and bring home their very own pet rocks. The other one was on water monsters and the girls got to take nets and try to catch things in the swimming area. We caught a lot of things, including a gigantic crawdad that all the kids in the program enjoyed looking at.
Just this last week we also got to go to a program on snakes and it was very informative, I even caught Michaela repeating back some of the things that she heard during the program. Though they did happen to say that particular snakes are partial to a couple of the areas in the park that we frequent and I was less than happy to hear about it....ignorance is bliss, people! At the end of the program both girls got to hold a fox snake around their necks and the girls did awesome! They were totally brave and I thought I should also be commended on being a foot away from the snake and taking pictures of the girls...ugh! :)