We finally had a spring day with sun and 40s, which got me out birding!!! After dropping Danielle off at preschool Christine and I stopped by the recycling center and went for a walk. Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Golden-crowned Kinglets, Hermit Thurshes, and Fox Sparrows were common. Great Egrets are moving through as well. Seeing the gorgeous breeding plumage of an egret reminds me that previous generations over hunted these species almost to the brink. American Coots seem to run on water when they fly and were the only photogenic bird this afternoon.

The girls had swim lessons tonight. Once completed we stopped at a flooded field in Winona on our way home to see migrating Bonaparte's Gulls. Michaela has been more interetsed in books due to reading and was very curious in my bird books tonight. As families walked by in the park we got odd looks as Michaela thumbed through the Sibley's guiide, Danielle looked through the binoculars, and I asked them to find field marks on Ring-billed Gulls. A passing family asked about the other sandpipers in the field and were pleased to learn they were Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs. Below are photos from our drive home tonight around 7. It was a late night, but I guess I'm willing to extend bed time for the birds. Unfortunately the girls were unable to hear
peenting Woodcocks behind our house at bed time tonight.
It was nearly five years ago that Michaela's second "word" (not including ma and pa) was Chickadee. It is fun to see their interests grow. I know they are interested in birds because their dad is, but for the time being I'm okay with that. Michaela has already asked for a Beta fish when we move, definitely not something I would want. Kudos to
Josh and inspiring me to get the kids out to observe birds!