Today was the first time ever seeing a whitetail buck from our apartment. We have been in the same apartment complex since moving to Madison and overlook the Wisconsin DNR Fish Hatchery land. There is a small group of does that winter and live there year round, but no bucks until today. I only got a quick glimpse of the buck, as he was in hot pursuit of a doe running away from him. No doubt he was at least an eight pointer, as I saw three tines on his right side. His rack was fairly tall and beyond the ears, an impressive buck to see. (No this is not a picture of today, but the buck was similar in size.)
Another first today was Chuck E. Cheese's! We took the girls there this afternoon for pizza and a few games. No pizza for Danielle yet! Michaela liked sitting in the small cars and trucks until they started moving. She did try a handful of rides, although she was a bit worried while they were moving. Christine and I played more games than Michaela, although Michaela did help press buttons regardless of what game it was.
, but once they started
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