I carpooled the 30 miles with the trip leader and another excellent birder. After Baxter's Hollow the three of us went to Spring Green Preserve. While we did not find the Northern Mockingbird we were looking for I was able to see and hear a Dickcissel and Grasshopper Sparrow for the first time. We were also unsuccessful in finding many shorebirds around Spring Green, but we did find this Wilson’s phalarope.
After a short nap I was back outside and squeezed in a couple of short birding walks during laundry’s wash and dryer cycles. I did not find many new birds during the two 20 minute walks, but came across a White-tailed doe in the UW Arboretum (pictured above) and a flock of Dunlins (in picture below) and Semipalmated Sandpipers at the Water Treatment plant ponds.
Over 100 bird species today (most for me in a single day) and nearly 8 miles of walking. It was relaxing and a gorgeous day to be outside enjoying nature.