Monday, September 21, 2009

Horses & Cider

We had a very nice Saturday, first visiting the Fall Fest in Marshfield and then driving north to Prentice visiting Cindy, Quan, and Forrest Banh. The girls seemed to enjoy the zoo more than the Fest, struggling to smile while on their requested pony rides. Perhaps they picked up on our sentiments, as Christine and myself we were more excited to see the Cackling Geese, Black duck, and Wood Ducks at the zoo pond than browse through all the art vendors.

It was awesome watching Danielle beg to and ride a horse, yet actually be worried about initially. Danielle has turned into a daredevil, climbing and riding her plastic tricycle wherever she pleases without much regard to her own safety. She likes being in control, any help from Michaela usually result in yelling.

Visiting the Banhs was an awesome get away, with the hour and half drive short in comparison to most of our trips. Their yard is full of wildflowers and a large garden with raised boxes, giving Michaela quite the maze to run through. The girls enjoyed the sandbox while most everyone else was busy with the cider press. They surprised and sent a couple of gallons home with us. While it is possible things gifts taste better, all of us love the cider. Michaela told me, “That Apple Juice is yummy!”

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