So, it has been a crazy long time since you’ve heard from me; Malcolm has been wonderful and updated you all on the past year and I thought I’d try my hand at blogging again. After talking with Malcolm and others, I have been thinking maybe it’s more important for myself to blog and write down memories than for the enjoyment that others might receive from it. We’ll see how it goes, but I am willing to give it another shot at this point!

This past week and a half has been spent with the girls and Malcolm going home for Memorial day and myself taking the train back 4 days later and spending one week with family including a special time with Aubrey, Abi and Zach. I do have to apologize off the bat as my photography zeal has waned and photos are not as plentiful as they once were. That being said Malcolm started off Memorial day weekend fishing with the guys as Michaela and Danielle got to spend some quality time with Grandma Cindy, Grandma Betty, Aunt Chris and Grandma and Grandpa Kallevig. The weekend was cold and most of the time was spent in sweatshirts, but it sounded as if everyone had a good time. I spent the weekend reading, watching tv until late into the night (a treat for me!), painting the bedroom and visiting some friends. It was a blessing to have some quiet time in my own home. Thank you to everyone who helped take care of my girls as it is so much easier to know that they are having a wonderful time away from me.

Malcolm and the girls were kind enough to take the Jeep (no A.C.) and the bikes home so that we could ride bike more often. Danielle was my biking partner and we had a lot of fun together. I also did my p.r. of miles biked in a day of over 28 miles!

A trip to the Dairy Queen was in order as well.

The first day and half we spent at my parents and it was a wonderful time as Lisa, Hannah and Elizabeth made the trip up to spend the time with us and everyone had a great, relaxing time. I even got a chance to paint a little at my parents’ cabin. After that we went back to Staples and got to see Abi and Zach after not seeing them for quite awhile…Zach is getting so big and will be getting into all sorts of trouble soon as he is almost completely mobile by crawling around and almost standing up. The girls all got along great and had tons of fun playing together, we got some biking in by going to Brainerd and trying out their awesome trail system. It definitely made me eager to go back and try it again for a longer distance.

Love how Abi rests her head on Zach...isn't it supposed to be the other way around?!
Friday and Saturday were family get-togethers with both extended families and it was nice being to have everyone in once place and being able to catch up.

One of the highlights of the trip for me was getting to take the girls to Itasca with all of Malcolm’s family. It was so special to go back to the place of my childhood and getting to ride some of the trails and walking the girls across and down the Mississippi. I have so many fond memories of doing the same thing so many years ago.

Sunday was spent relaxing at grandma and grandpa’s and having a nice outing in the pond which included swimming and paddle boats as well as a trip up the big dirt pile! Grandma and the girls were also surprised to find a chickadee family taking up residence in one of the bird houses the girls put up the last time they were home.
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