Friday, July 27, 2012

Elroy-Sparta State Trail

Thursday's expected high was in the 80s (after another week of 90+ temperature), so we loaded the Jeep and headed to the Elroy-Sparta trail.  The bike trail tunnels are one of many items on our summer to-see and to-do list.

We enjoyed nice weather and a crushed limestone trail.  We started in Wilton, riding up to and walking through tunnel #2 and partially through tunnel #3.  Michaela and Danielle brought LED flashlights and LED lanterns. The third tunnel is 3/4 mile long and we only went far enough to get wet from dripping water overhead and where Danielle needed to get flashlights and lanterns to fend off darkness insecurities.

We rode 18 miles, a couple of miles longer than the a bike ride last month on the Great River Ridge Trail.  Neither of these compare in length to Christine's rides with friends however.  She bikes quite frequently, riding almost 30 miles today on the Root River Trail. Luckily for me, Michaela and Danielle still prefer shorter rides on the tag-alongs.

On our way home, dark storm clouds provided a stunning view of the bluffs and the Mississippi River.  We snapped this picture overlooking Lake Winona while looking west into the setting sun.


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 4th

With triple digit temperatures we stayed home much of the day. This evening we made a quiet stop at Frontenac State Park and observed a Bell's Vireo near the entrance, lifer #319 for me. After a half hour at the park we ate ice cream and sat near Lake City's Marina to watch fireworks.

Contrary to the fireworks last year, Michaela and Danielle's excitement prior to the start of the fireworks exceeded the excitement during the show itself. On the ride home, during which both girls fell asleep, Christine and I speculated the switch may have been due to the proximity to the launch site.  We also sat on chairs this year rather than a blanket, so you never know. 

We hope everyone enjoyed the celebrations.