Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spring weather bike rides

This weekend's weather was wonderful in Kansas City. We got out on Saturday with Bike Rides and birds. Videos of each girl riding bike are below.

Michaela has struggled without training wheels, but we think she is close. Sunday is supposed to be nicer, perhaps we'll get photos and stories up....the zoo is on our itinerary. Here is Malcolm's photo of a Northern Mockingbird from yesterday's birding excursion. The Northern Mockingbird is a species common in Kansas City and south but was rare in our previous locations.

  Northern Mockingbird

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Music Demonstration

Enjoy all or part of Danielle's Kindergarten Music Demonstration program from March 27th 2014.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Is this long winter done?

This has been a long cold winter for everyone. We did not have the extreme colds and snow of MN/WI/MI but still experienced below average temperatures and plenty of snow. One of my initial thoughts when we moved to Kansas City was to get out to a range at least once a month. The last couple of winters the golf courses around KC remained open...but not this winter as it was too cold with too much snow. As such I was happy to enjoy part of the first 70+ day last weekend at the range.

With the warmer weather we have trips to the zoo, bike rides, walks, and exploring on the schedule. A visit by Grandparents is greatly appreciated as well. We may even get back to the range again as a family.

A few of you may recognize the golf-bag that Michaela has as my first one. We have one cut down club and a cut down putter for each girl, but as you can see on the video below we may wait a while before expanding too much. If you look carefully you can even see my old-man swing.


The girls are loving a visit from Grandpa and Grandma! Yesterday Grandma watched them while I was at work and Christine and Grandpa were out shopping. When I got home we played a version of pictionary and used the same cards for charades.