Monday, March 17, 2014

Is this long winter done?

This has been a long cold winter for everyone. We did not have the extreme colds and snow of MN/WI/MI but still experienced below average temperatures and plenty of snow. One of my initial thoughts when we moved to Kansas City was to get out to a range at least once a month. The last couple of winters the golf courses around KC remained open...but not this winter as it was too cold with too much snow. As such I was happy to enjoy part of the first 70+ day last weekend at the range.

With the warmer weather we have trips to the zoo, bike rides, walks, and exploring on the schedule. A visit by Grandparents is greatly appreciated as well. We may even get back to the range again as a family.

A few of you may recognize the golf-bag that Michaela has as my first one. We have one cut down club and a cut down putter for each girl, but as you can see on the video below we may wait a while before expanding too much. If you look carefully you can even see my old-man swing.

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