Monday, March 16, 2015

Spring Break - Austin

For the second day in a row we got a late start. Michaela had stomach aches and was throwing up in the hotel room, a pleasant blessing in disguise rather than being in a tent. After a leisure morning we showed the girls are old apartment in Waco and headed south.

Along the way I spent 90 minutes looking for the striped sparrow east of Austin, which if accepted will be the first record of this species in the US. I believe I had a quick glimpse, but it was at the edge of my binoculars and I could not confirm 100% from other possible sparrows. Instead I left unsuccessful, not feeling too bad as others had looked off and on as well. One couple even showed up with folding chairs, waiting for it to appear on the road!  Michaela believes I was unsuccessful because she went for a walk and came back with three stray dogs.
In the afternoon we met up with old friends in Austin and played at a park.

Danielle's Journal

Michaela's Journal

We didn't get far with late night driving headed east as we were exhausted. We still have a ways to go today before we set up camp.

Michaela loved the palm tree/bushes.

BTW - 383 is White-winged Dove (Photos upon our return)

1 comment:

Cindy Gold said...

the smiles on the girls faces makes the whole trip worth while; the birds are an awesome bonus.