Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ooops! ...

So what does an almost two-year old do when they mess up (i.e. spill some juice, break something or some other 'oops') they first try to hide it...I have found things in the trash that Michaela has ripped by accident and come in to find her 'wiping' up a spill with a piece of clothing which then goes in the trash many a times, but tonight was new...

I was in the kitchen when I hear Michaela coming in 'crying' (it was really her fake crying but she was distressed nonetheless). I asked her what happened and she lifted her shirt to show me a newly permanent-markered bellybutton. For those of you who don't know, Michaela LOVES her bellybutton and almost everything has been poked or shoved in there at some point :) She must have realized after playing with the marker that it had actually colored her belly button and she had not planned on that and came to me for help. Unfortunately, being the mean mommy that I am, I immediately ran around the house trying to find the marker and what else she had markered with permanent marker, luckily it looked as though she started with her belly button and not the furniture. At this point I return to Michaela and decide I should take a picture of her to keep the memory except this only fueled her distress. Once she realized she had done something warranting a picture, she was embarassed and refused to let me see it anymore, let alone touch it. The rest of the night she went into bouts of screaming due to her newly decorated bellybutton and when I had to remove her shirt because she spilled juice on it...she screamed for like 5 minutes straight. When daddy got home she was in the bath with TWO washclothes clutched tightly in her hands covering her bellybutton and cried when we showed him. So, both of us spent the night telling her it was okay and that we loved her, but I don't think it mattered yet.

So, what does an almost two-year old do when they can't cover up there mistakes? ... Scream and cry. Poor thing, I felt so bad for her though I couldn't help laughing a little. It is a good thing she doesn't know that I am posting her new OOOPS to the world.


Aubrey said...

Oh my heavens! Thought I was going to die giggling at your daughter. :) CANNOT wait to see you guys in 3 weeks!!!!

stepsjo said...

We really got a chuckle out of this- we heard it first from Grandma Cindy as I hadn't checked for updates lately. We had to share it with great Grandpa and Lael. This is such a keepsake and we hope that the red marks have worn off somewhat! Love to all!