Thursday, March 19, 2015

Spring Break - Pleasure Pier

At the beginning of spring break Christine and I had planned to visit a couple of places in Houston, but the continued driving (mostly getting here but also camping an hour away from Bolivar and Galveston) took a toll on us and we decided to instead spend a leisurely day around Galveston. 

The sweetgum tree leftovers needed to be cleared for a camping spot.

We spent a hour and half packing camp and the tent in heavy fog and a light mist. The rain stopped 10 minutes after we left camp as we were driving by Anahuac NWR so we checked out Skillern Tract and went for a short walk. Luckily the rain held off long enough for us to stop by the Rookery again today as well.

Close views of Roseate Spoonbill, Great Egrets, and Cormorants at this rookery.

Rain hurried us back to the van and we headed toward Galveston around noon. The ferry ride offered another glimpse at dolphins and photo opportunities of flying Laughing Gulls. Danielle enjoyed tossing bread for the gulls after she tired of taking photos. Fortunately the fog thinned and we headed to Pleasure Pier after taking a quick shower at a hotel.

Danielle's Journal

Michaela's Journal

The girls had an amazing time, as they luckily take after their mother rather than father when it comes to rides. It is only appropriate the carousel had ocean creatures on their ride in addition to normal animals and horses.
A couple of the animals they rode.
They didn't ride everything, but Michaela got her first rollercoaster ride and all  three rode an insanely high swing and water coaster.  The videos below can be viewed in HD if you choose settings within YouTube.

BTW - Added Inca Dove today.

1 comment:

Steph said...

What fun! I love rides and wish I could've been there. Some of those rides looked worse watching than would have been riding! Especially the Texas Star! Great time and happy that you are all enjoying your trip. Love and hugs, Steph and Al

P.s. Al hates rides too!