Sunday, August 21, 2016

July 4th Photo Safari

This summer included a long trip up north but stories and photos from that trip will be added later.  Instead this blog post is devoted to our Overland Park Arboretum visit on July 4th.  We've been members of the arboretum since moving to OP three years back and have made many visits in search of birds in winter and summer, insects, have given the girls photo challenges in the past, and even had them write about their experiences there. During this visit the girls wanted cameras and chose their own direction; Christine and I were left to watch and enjoy their creative spirits.

Michaela & Danielle 2016-07-04 #01

Turtles caught their eyes first.

False Map Turtle Ouachita Map Turtle
(Top L to R) False Map Turtle, Red-Eared Slider, and Ouachita Map Turtle
(Bottom L to R) Red-Eared Slider and Spiny Softshell Turtle
Red-Eared Slider Spiny Softshell Turtle 

The four different species of turtles were sunning and near the boardwalk, where the girls joined others in looking at turtles and fish in the water.

Danielle 2016-07-04 #01 Michaela 2016-07-04 #02
Danielle decided it was a good idea to get up close, while Michaela laid out to shoot an Eastern Amberwing.

Here are Danielle's videos below. 

Butterflies were out as well!

We all took photos of butterflies, which were spread throughout the Arboretum. 

Butterfly - Silver-spotted Skipper Butterfly - Sleepy Orange
(Top L to R) Silver-spotted Skipper and Sleepy Orange
(Bottom L to R) Horace's Duskywing, Clouded Sulfer, and Monarch
Butterfly - Horace's Duskywing Butterfly - Clouded Sulfer Monarch

Fairy Houses are there also!!

Christine and the girls have created fairy houses the past couple of years as admission to the Renaissance Festival, we walked through the Enchanted Forest to get ideas.  As fate would have it we started the girl's versions this weekend when the neighbors trimmed some trees.

Fairy Houses_1 Fairy Houses_4
Pictures to use as ideas and inspiration.
Fairy Houses_2 Fairy Houses_3

Photo ops!!!

It is fun to take pictures of the girls, but somehow their smiles show up so much easier when they are taking photos as well.

Michaela 2016-07-04 #05 Danielle 2016-07-04 #03
They are getting big!

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