So, this is a long time in the coming, but I am finally getting around to getting Danielle's 6 month pictures edited. We were home in Minnesota on the 22nd and a took a couple pictures to commemorate the day. I am so jealous of all of you who are able to take the same pictures posed each month, it just seems like too much thought required, but what an awesome way to truly see the difference. Instead, unfortunately you are stuck with my hodge-podge of pictures.

Anyhow, Danielle has been eating some rice cereal for awhile now and is sitting up completely by herself only tipping over rarely. She can roll over both ways, but still prefers to rollover from her back to tummy. She is great at tummytime and can play that way for a long time but still is showing no inclinations of pulling her legs up or belly off the ground to start the next phase of crawling. But that is okay with me, she can stay put for now. Soon enough there will be many a fight when Danielle crawls over to Michaela to play with her/her toys and Michaela will undoubtedly push her, hit her, etc and Danielle will cry...hmmmm I'd better stop thinking of that...
What a joy my girls have been, though it is difficult with everyone sick. Both girls seem to have a shorter fuse for getting angry or frustrated and are much more exhausted than usual. However, I can understand as I am sick as well so I have more sympathy and patience for their crying. Michaela's favorite thing right now is giraffes, she love to play with her toy giraffes as well as going to the zoo. We actually sit in the giraffe house for probably 20 minutes when we see them. Danielle I think enjoys waking up at 7 just so she can get an hour of alone time with us without Michaela.
I will try and keep everyone posted on the girls and will give you all Danielle's health info when we have her 6 month Dr's appt in a few days.

Anyhow, Danielle has been eating some rice cereal for awhile now and is sitting up completely by herself only tipping over rarely. She can roll over both ways, but still prefers to rollover from her back to tummy. She is great at tummytime and can play that way for a long time but still is showing no inclinations of pulling her legs up or belly off the ground to start the next phase of crawling. But that is okay with me, she can stay put for now. Soon enough there will be many a fight when Danielle crawls over to Michaela to play with her/her toys and Michaela will undoubtedly push her, hit her, etc and Danielle will cry...hmmmm I'd better stop thinking of that...
What a joy my girls have been, though it is difficult with everyone sick. Both girls seem to have a shorter fuse for getting angry or frustrated and are much more exhausted than usual. However, I can understand as I am sick as well so I have more sympathy and patience for their crying. Michaela's favorite thing right now is giraffes, she love to play with her toy giraffes as well as going to the zoo. We actually sit in the giraffe house for probably 20 minutes when we see them. Danielle I think enjoys waking up at 7 just so she can get an hour of alone time with us without Michaela.
I will try and keep everyone posted on the girls and will give you all Danielle's health info when we have her 6 month Dr's appt in a few days.

I'll try this again! Your pictures and stories are so wonderful! They make me teary-eyed (does that mean I'm getting old and sentimental). How is everyone feeling by now?
Danielle has changed and grwon so much---it makes me miss all of you more! Hope you are all on the mend. i also enjoyed the crossbill pictures. Higs to all of you! Steph
Love the new pics of the girls! I finally got some new ones printed and all our photo frames updated.
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