So, this past week we were able to kick back and enjoy some family time together. A nice relaxful time after the months/years of stress of not knowing where we will be. So, we had trips to the zoo, walks to go birding and luckily for us the weather was very cooperative. So, I thought I would share a few pics.
Michaela is not always a fan of walking and most often prefers to be carried or to ride in the stroller, but sometimes; like below we bribe her by things like carrying a stick. I think sticks are a universal toy for two-year olds :)
I also wanted to tell the story of yesterday's trip up to Columbia county to see the birds that congregate on flooded fields. We have made the trip north a few times this winter/fall/spring to see thousands of geese, ducks, swans, etc and Malcolm heard that there were a bunch of great-white fronted geese on one of the ponds so off we took. Much of the drive is on back country roads that some have even been closed to due flooding waters and as we were driving on one such road I look up to see that Malcolm is driving through what looks to be dirty, slushy water...if only that were the case. Malcolm's window was down and the smell all of a sudden hit us...liquid manure! We had been driving maybe 15 mph and it had coated the underside of the car and smelled so bad. I was laughing so hard, I think I was crying. Malcolm proceeded to drive back and through one of the flooded roads in attempt to lessen the smell, but it is still there and anytime we get out or in or turn on the vents we are greeted with a fresh smell of manure. I think it is so funny and smile whenever I think of it...maybe one of these days we will get an undercarriage wash :)
Lastly a couple pics from the zoo:

I thought I was going to pee my pants laughing at that one!!! What an unforgettable adventure LOL So glad you guys are getting out and enjoying the spring and being a family!
You never told us whether you found the birds you went looking for.
I love spring, all the birds, warmer weather, and some ishy smells too. I know somebody that owns a car wash!
Love, Mom
We did find the geese that we were looking for, Greater White-fronted Geese. From the best of my understanding they are on a comeback and are becoming more regular in the area.
I think that memories can be recalled for a longer period of time if there is a smell associated with them! This is a great one (smell or memory whichever you prefer!)
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