Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Doctor's Visit

After a rough night we caved in and went to the Doctor today. The nurse we called this weekend said there was no reason to come in unless a temperature persisted beyond Tylenol doses. However, Christine and I both felt like crap last night and Danielle spent most of the night crying between coughs so we went in.

The prognosis? Danielle has an ear infection and will be on Moxo. Christine has a very bad ear infection and will be taking Moxo as well as ear drops. Michaela has an ear infection and pink eye, so she gets Moxo and eye drops. I am fine, liquid in my ear but all is clear. We will see how well the girls (all 3) take the medication, but at least it is nice knowing the diagnosis and the likely resolution at the end of a week. Hopefully the coughs will not persist either and we might get back to sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you are all feeling much better soon. My prayers are numerous for you in the job search! Take care-Love to all!
